BLACK POWER: Azealia Banks & a cumbia boy band

Black Power isn’t just a way of life that involves the daily fight for dignity and some semblance of justice, it’s also a romantic cumbia boy band from Puebla, Mexico. Here is one of their love / holiday songs: [audio: Power – Un poco de amor .mp3] Black Power – Un Poco de Amor a … Continue reading BLACK POWER: Azealia Banks & a cumbia boy band

DJ Rupture – Enero 2013 Cumbia Mix

A 30-minute mix of “cumbia cumbia, not nueva cumbia” that was previously only available at a NYC taco shop. My man Talacha gets on the mic as sonidero. I used all cumbias purchased in Brooklyn, so it skews heavily towards cumbias poblanas, mexican cumbias, tunes made in the States. Shoutouts include: Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx, … Continue reading DJ Rupture – Enero 2013 Cumbia Mix


I am up to my ears in non-blog writing, which means that I haven’t had time to feed the internet with my buzzing thoughts on cumbia; nueva cumbia; Lacanian cumbia trolls; why nobody talks about Super Grupo Colombia even when they come to play a heavily promoted New York City show; the subgenres I keep … Continue reading CUMBIA MONTERREY: THE BLACK MAN PLAYS HIS DRUM


Cumbia fans listen up! Diego Ibáñez (aka Sonido Desconocido II) is finishing an epic, informative radio series dedicated to Cumbia history. It broadcasts Friday nights on Mexico City’s UNAM radio, and is available as podcast/stream… Lots of information: songs, a breathy female narrator (very cumbia), interviews… In total, a whopping 22 hours of cumbia infosharing! … Continue reading SU MAJESTAD: LA CUMBIA


After yesterday’s cumbias rebajadas, the regular stuff seems fast. First off, a stunning 14-minute cumbia colombiana medley from Mexico’s Tropa Colombiana. Lots of classics in here, heavy on the accordion. Fluid and entrancing, “como si estuvieramos en Colombia!” (“like we were in Colombia!”): [audio:Tropa Colombiana – Cumbia Exagonal.mp3] Tropa Colombiana – Cumbia Exagonal + An … Continue reading 14 MINUTE CUMBIA MEDLEY + A NARCOCORRIDO


Everything is happening too quickly. We gotta slow down. [Turtle at zoo in Czech Republic, wikipedia] I hit the cumbia rebajada motherlode in MX. slow & low, downpitched sublime. Cumbias rebajadas are slowed down cumbias that you can buy on the street in the right towns. Time gone viscous. Here’s a dark one, really stellar … Continue reading CUMBIA REBAJADA


two flavors of brisk. from Puebla, Mexico – [audio:GrupoJalado_CumbiaParrandera.mp3] Grupo Jalado – Cumbia Parrandera and from Nueva York – [audio:Estrellas_de_la_Kumbia-Camino_a_Colombia.mp3] Estrellas de la Kumbia – Camino a Colombia travelling back to NYC in a few hours. Time short, typing fast.. I have promises to keep. And kilobytes to go before I sleep..