I’m playing in Washington D.C. tomorrow, Saturday April 17. First time in Distrito Federal! It’s a Dutty Artz thing: Matt Shadetek and Jahdan Blakkamoore are coming down with me & we intend to shake things up. Info.


I’ve been checking a lot of data visualization projects lately. (I tend towards data narrativization, truth be told). This one is particularly fresh. And sobering:

selling out 550

5 thoughts on “D.C. & SELLING OUT”

  1. I love data.

    However, that also makes me a harsh critic of misleading data.

    My problems with this info graphic is that it clearly seems to be saying:

    “relative to self-pressing your own cd’s, streaming and digital downloads require vastly more sales to be viable”

    What it doesn’t represent, is that those pink circles are too vague. 1 CD does not equal 1 streamed track in terms of media duplication, distribution, physical space requirements…. etc. Those pink circles are more misleading than they are helpful.

    The label revenue numbers are more interesting, I think. The motive of comparing traditional ways of selling music to new ways is admirable, but this graphic makes me grumpy.

  2. This graphic seems to suggest that the artist receives the highest ratio of income relative to “sales” when consumers purchase “product” from cdbaby. I’m a digital immigrant (boomer) most comfortable with the object, rather than just data, so am will to pay a bit more for the music. So, cdbaby is the best way for me to support the income of the artist, even moreso than buying through a “record store”. Am I reading this correctly or am I out to lunch? Thanks

  3. RE: DC, I hope the District appreciated you guys coming here. Knowing full well you’ve never played here, and having never been able to hit your Sonar shows, I was incredibly bummed to find the flier for the show the morning after it occurred. I read lots of blogs, entertainment stuff, etc. but somehow I missed this.

    Hopefully the show went well enough that you’ll be back.

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