all images from Les Trolls tour blog. does anybody know Sebby Frescoe? please tell him to get in touch with me. OK, let’s go —
- Michael Vazquez on Sublime Frequencies – Disorientalism
- Marcus Boon on Sublime Frequencies – Ethnopsychelic Montages
(seen in Luxor, Egypt)
- another ‘whirled music’ label that has slowly been edging into visibility as of late is Terp. I appreciate Terp (not just b/c its run by friends), it’s a person-to-person, sustainable approach. perhaps all african music labels based outside of Africa should run by committed anarchists… This track is sweet kora (a world music instrument if there ever were one) by Djibril Diabete, from his Hawa CD, buyable.
Djibril Diabate – Masani Cisse (Hawa, Terp)
- Broklyn Beats blogs. Wherein we learn that our strange & wonderful French friends from Toulouse, Les Trolls, are on a (musical) tour of Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon! and blogging it. Excellent fotos surrounded by words I can’t quite understand. ive posted their tunes before (“resin-gummed southern France samplers on full post-D&B mashout mode”)
- metacanons fire! this W&W entry sparks nice commenttalk.

lovin that track. nice! great recording too……”a ‘world music’ instrument if there ever were one.” smirk. eish! I have a distortion pedal…..wanna hear what it sounds like?
Thanks for all the great links.