
me: i couldnt wait, got it off —-. itd been there since July or something. criminally slept on by us!

Lamin: yeah. the album had very little buzz, considering the fact that it was released by Def Jam and produced by The-Dream (& Tricky Stewart)! my sis mentioned it to me after she heard about it from a cousin in Maryland who’s 14 years old! so yeah, this is what 14 year old girls are listening to in the DMV.


Electric Red – P Is For Power

from their debut album, How To Be A Lady Vol. 1 ($5 at Amazon digital!)

7 thoughts on “HOW TO BE A LADY”

  1. I heard this on another station (late nite dial twisting) and it jumped out at me. The sexual sub-text is nothing unusual; we’ve heard this insolent ‘dis before from a variety of young ladies. But, yeah, it hits alot of up-to-date buttons in terms of tamber, tempo and tone. Why is it
    so inexpensive?

  2. not sold on the track as a whole… but lord The Dream can produce a pop song…

  3. These kinds of songs make me throw up in my mouth a little. Young girls listen and internalize this trash as strength and confidence. They act out these expectations and then boys, and eventually men, bounce the behavior back at them and the cycle goes on and on. But you can dance to it!

  4. As a women i liked this one a lot bcos its fully created by alady for ladies as a women i should support this and its not bad can be heard again and again

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