my hour-long cumbia mix for Rob Da Bank’s BBC Radio 1 show went out a couple hours ago and will be streamable for a week. PERFECT THING TO HEAT US UP, mixed in freezing New York. Modesty aside, you’ll be hard pressed to find a hotter hour of free cumbia heat floating around…


Go here then click on ‘Listen to Rob Da Bank & Friends show’ and forward til an hour in.
Or try this direct link to the BBC player. Incidentally, the first tune I play after the intro chat w/ Rob is Pesadilla’s version of La Pava Congona

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Too much sound? Susan Sontag on The Aesthetics of Silence. via Audio Poverty’s blog , AP being a conference-event happening in Berlin Feb 6-8. I will play music one day and chat with Kodwo Eshun (More Brilliant Than the Neologismachine) & Brian (Awesome Tapes from You Know Where) the next.

also: “According to a new study by Will Page, chief economist of the MCPS-PRS Alliance, who is also the guy behind the economic modelling for Radiohead’s In Rainbows album, more than 10 million of the 13 million music tracks available on the internet failed to find a single buyer last year.”


  1. Loved this music ever since hearing ‘Lisandro’s Cumbia’ compilation on cassette as a kid so its great to hear this mix on mainstream radio, excellent work!

  2. Brutal mix. Totally love it. The sun came out as soon as I tuned in…nice one Jace.

  3. re: that study supposedly debunking the “long tail” theory, emusic says it’s wrong

    “Approximately 75 percent of eMusic tracks sold at least once during 2008 based on a recent analysis of worldwide sales data,” says an announcement detailing eMusic’s 2008 sales. “This finding supports the existence of retail’s ‘long tail’ and contradicts a November 2008 study released by British licensing body MCPS-PRS. That study claimed that of the 13 million songs on the internet, ten million did not sell a single copy.”

  4. interesting -what a huge difference btwn the various stats! eMusic is subscription-based, which encourages ppl to dwnld mp3s they might not otherwise buy directly from regular sites — folks will get to the end of the month, then realize they’ve got X downloads left and take more chances.

  5. Any chance of this mix becoming available in a higher bitrate, for purchase or otherwise?

  6. another major difference, as noted in the article, is that emusic is selling largely independent music, while the UK-based study was apparently looking at a venue offering music from the “majors.” hope for indie music models?

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